
League squash is a great way to improve your game by playing as part of a 4 or 5 player team. The Bristol and District (BaD) League runs mixed and female-only leagues in Autumn, Spring and Summer. Yate Squash Club currently have a squad of around 15 players supporting 2 teams playing in the leagues.

How does league squash work?

Matches are played each week, mainly on Wednesday evenings starting around 7:30. There are usually around 6 teams in a division, each played home and away during the season with a mid-season half-term break. Each team has a captain who organises the home matches by contacting the squad to ensure players are available. Teams are made up of 5 players ranked by ability 1-5. Each player plays their opposing player in a best of 5 games, point-a-rally to 15 match. Matches are marked by another home team member with let decisions made by the marker. At the end of the match, league points are awarded for each game won, with bonus points awarded to the winning team. These points are totalled up at the end of the season with the top 2 teams being promoted and bottom 2 teams relegated. Results are posted on the BaD website, with rankings awarded to all players.

After the match, players shower, then retire to a local venue, where a hot meal is provided (Winter only) with drinks provided by the home team.

Can I join the squad?

We’re always interested in broadening the squads, If you’d like to play league, but aren’t sure of your ability talk to any member of the squad and we can arrange for a try-out. We currently have two teams who play all year round in the league. A squad of around 8 players is ideal to support a team, so if we have a large enough squad we can enter another team into the league.

What if I can’t play every week?

You don’t have to, as long as there are enough players in the squad to play the match, individual players can play as much or as little as they please.

How much does it cost?

Players have to help toward the cost of balls, court fees and meals. Current match fees are £5 (Summer) and £12 (Winter) per match. Players are expected to buy their opponent a drink after the match in the summer, drinks are provided from the match fees in the winter.